Let us turn your waste into value
Vermicasting with Ecocast turns 100% of all bio-solids into beneficially reusable material.
Renewable & sustainable Bio-Waste management
Ecocast is one of the biggest worm farms internationally, operating over 24 hectares. Our
renewable & sustainable bio-waste solutions reduce Council & Industries carbon footprint
and environmental impact, allowing waste to be turned 100% into beneficially reusable
material for local agriculture & horticulture.

After up to 14 months of natural processing, the finished product is a very high quality soil amendment and can then be applied to orchards, pasture and other agricultural uses. Currently we are processing in excess of 40,000 tonnes annually.
Our “workforce” of Tiger worms and Southern Red worms, numbered in the millions, happily process bio-waste from councils, which is blended with pulp fibre from paper mills and turned it into nutrient rich, useful vermicast and compost.
Ecocast has achieved the highest possible ‘Aa’ grade and ISO certification
Regional Councils can trust our product to be applied to any land without requiring Resource Consent.