Frequently Asked Questions
Have a read through our information below, if you can’t find an answer to your question please get in touch and we’ll answer it for you
At what rate should the vermicast be applied?
We suggest 15-20 tonnes per hectare at a minimum and annual applications are beneficial
Will vermicast replenish soil biology affected by sprays?
Yes, Ecocast Vermicast re-introduces bacteria and fungi to the soil that is plant beneficial.
Can the Vermicast be spread easily in orchard situations?
Yes, Ecocast Vermicast is a very friable product .
Is the Vermicast safe to handle?
Yes absolutely, please see our AA Grade certification & lab tests which shows Ecocast Vermicast is completely safe to handle – link here
Do you get worms with the Vermicast?
Yes you may get some worms, but thousands of worm capsules are mixed in with the vermicast. Each capsule will hatch between 3-5 worms, depositing many new young worms into your soil.
What is the conversion rate from tonnes to cubic metres?
One tonne will normally equal 1.3m3